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- How To Become Biologically Bulletproof (A Full Guide To Healing & Resilience)
How To Become Biologically Bulletproof (A Full Guide To Healing & Resilience)
Most people have become biologically frail. And they can't do what they want with their lives because of it. Learn how to become biologically bulletproof and unlock your natural healing abilities.
I don’t have the right to get sick.
(My last name ”Frisk”, literally means ”health” in Swedish)
But despite that conclusive statement — in my youth I was always the one having to stay in bed.
And being a pretty driven and energetic person, getting sick would frustrate me down to the bone.
Because it felt like I couldn’t do anything.
I couldn’t study
I couldn’t write
I couldn’t workout
I couldn’t be present
I couldn’t connect to people
I couldn’t enjoy life
I felt like I was at the mercy of a Universe not aligned with my plans.
And I would do everything in my power to escape that miserable state.
Slamming 3 cloves of garlic, chewing on ginger roots and drinking warm milk with honey until I felt even more sick.
My life followed that cycle for a couple of years.
I was moving through life with no problems, then a sickness would through me completely off course.
Always one step forward, two step backwards.
But as I’ve chipped away at my health for while now, I can see the glaring problem that younger me was completely blind to.
The problem with only tending to your immune system when you need it.
And 90% of the population still suffers from it.
As I’ve felt a little off the last few weeks, I think it’s appropriate to show you my method and mindset for strengthening your immune system and unlocking your natural healing abilities.
Because too many people are stuck in the endless cycle that I once was.
But before we get there, let’s set the scene…
The Problem With Being Biologically Frail
”The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining”
You are in a constant war with the outer world.
(Whether you like it or not)
Heavy Metals
Are all constantly attempting to invade and mess up your body. (And the list of problems they cause would fill an entire book)
So to the degree to which you’re able to defend yourself against these attacks will determine your health, performance, and by extension — your entire life.
It’s how you stay calm and able to enjoy life while there’s a giant battle going on around you.
The problem is that most people have no idea this battle exists. And they’re in a losing position because of it. They live life in biological fragility.
The average cold completely knocks them out and ever minor biological inconvenience throws them off the path towards their goals.
Their poor immune system leads to inflammation, brain fog and an inability to do great work.
And their crappy recovery leaves them in bed for weeks after an inevitable injury.
The funny thing is that most people seem to completely ignore their immune health and healing until they get sick.
They all miss one obvious thing…
When you only start to build your defenses after you’ve been attacked — it’s too late.
You get terribly sick and can’t do what you want with your life. You have to take long brakes from work, training and pretty much existing regularly.
In the long run, the disease wins over you. You constantly get overrun by the attacks of the external world until your body just can’t take it anymore.
Let me paint you a picture.
Poor healing factors leads to damaged arteries, plaques and heart disease.
Poor immune health makes your body incapable of dealing with cancer before it gets out of hand.
Poor clean up processes causes accumulation of tau and beta amyloid, leading to Alzheimer’s disease.
Disease and injury is not about chance.
It’s about how strong your biological defense is.
Think about how the majority of people who got hit the hardest by Covid were the most unhealthy ones. (It shouldn’t be that surprising).
Not taking care of your biological defenses because you’re not sick, is like not building a roof over your head because it’s not raining. When the rain and storms inevitably comes, you’re not prepared.
And you are at the mercy of nature.
In the same way, when your biological defense is down in the dumps, you’re at the mercy of the outer world. Viruses, bacteria and harmful chemicals have free reign over your body and mind.
You don’t really have a say in your life because every little biological inconvenience can throw you off track.
Headaches prevent great work, colds hold back training and constant nausea keeps you from enjoying life You live your life by chance, hoping it won’t start raining. But when it does (and it will) — you will get wet.
I think you get the point.
But I want to go a little bit further.
Just because you’re not sick doesn’t mean you’re healthy.
People seem to think that they’re either sick or healthy. That when they’re not stuck sniffling in bed, they’re living their fullest life.
But they’re unfortunately missing the point.
The outside world is attacking you — all the time.
So with a crappy biological defense, you’re a little bit sick — all the time.
(Even if you don’t notice it).
Even if you think you’re healthy, you have no idea how good you could actually feel. How well you could actually function. Because you’re only comparing your state to that of your sickness.
You never realize the potential you could be working at. How productive you could be, how light you could feel, how much happiness you could have — and how vividly you could experience life.
You never get to see the potential of which your body and mind are capable of.
Because you won’t know how good you can feel until you do. And you won’t know how good your life can be until it is.
You need to act blindly.
You need to dare to improve your life without guarantees.
A Speck Of Wisdom
“It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.”
Wisdom is a keen discernment of the consequences of your future actions.
(This will be important later)
No one can avoid every little biological attack from the world.
(Even alligators have microplastics in they reproductive organs).
Our entire water system is tainted with microplastics, hormone disruptors and more.
The solution isn’t to avoid every little attack aimed at you.
It’s to become strong enough to deal with them.
When you realize there will be storms no matter what, you build a house capable of withstanding it. And when the storm eventually hits, you’re well prepared.
But let’s move on from the metaphors and get a little bit more practical.
When you build your biological defense:
You’re not constantly living in a state of poor mental performance. And you can do your best work. (Which, given that the world is going more and more mental, is essential for living your best life).
You’re not thrown about by every minor biological inconvenience. And you’re able to keep working, training and living even when the outside world is in chaos.
You’re able to heal faster than diseases progress. And you get to live a longer and healthier life. You’re much more fit at fighting cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
You recover from training and injuries extremely fast. And you’re able to progress in your training, sport or physical endeavors. Which is to me, one of the cornerstones of the good life.
Of course your biological defense will degrade over time.
(Something called immunosenescence)
But it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do everything you can to build and maintain it for as long as possible. Just because you’re going to die doesn’t mean you throw away your future.
Because at the end of the day it’s not really about how long you live. But about how well you live (But we’ve already talked about this).
So without further we do, let’s build our defenses.
Your Biological Defense
Your biological defense can be divided into 3 parts.
The Immune System
The Healing Process
The Detoxification System
(With an emphasis on the immune system).
Let’s dive in.
1. Your Personal Army
To deal with the attacks of the outside world — you have a personal army to do your bidding.
This is your immune system.
And it’s divided into two parts:
The innate
The adaptive
The Innate Immune System
The innate immune system is super general.
Its job is to prevent attacks from any kind of pathogens. Viruses, bacteria, chemicals etc.
And it’s mad made up of 2 line defense.
1. Barriers
Your 1st line of defense to the outer world are physical and chemical barriers
Gut lining
Eye mucus
Stomach acid
Hairs in your nose
Bacteria in your gut
This is to keep invaders from entering your body.
And because you don’t want to take unnecessary damage — Keeping these barriers strong is probably your highest priority.
It’s your first line of defense agains the chaos of the world.
Keep your barriers strong by:
Healing your gut - This will improve the defense of your gut microbiome (the friendly bacteria living in your gut). It will also raise the PH in your stomach, essentially melting anything bad trying to get into you. We’ll talk more about this later. (But if you can’t wait, check out the letter on gut health here).
Fixing your diet - This will lead to better chemicals in your sweat and a better chemical barrier. It will also make your skin stronger.
You also want to make sure that you’re not making it harder for your defenses than it needs to be.
Just because you have a strong biological defense, doesn’t mean you go around licking door handles.
You want to avoid putting unnecessary loads on your immune system.
Avoid excessively touching eyes, nose & mouth — The main pathway for pathogens into your body is through your eyes, nose and mouth. And unfortunately, you’re evolved to touch one of these after having touched another human (to gather chemical information). So make a conscious choice not to touch your face after having touched other people. (To an extent of course).
2. Army

Your barriers are unfortunately not always enough.
But when a pathogen (an unwanted organism or molecule in the body) manages to breach the physical barrier — you have a few other cards to play.
In your body, you have a bunch of foot soldiers you can deploy when necessary. It’s composed of macrophages, monocytes, neutrophils and other engulfing entities. Meaning, they eat up pathogens, kill them and then spit them back out.
You also have what’s known as ”natural killer cells” which are cells that go around killing infected cells.
These cells are what stops cancer from spreading. (Which is very neat).
The health and function of your foot soldiers are of course linked to your overall health, but especially to your lymphatic system.
This is your secondary circulatory system and it’s the highway your immune cells use and live inside of.
Your lymphatic system also has the job of pumping fluids through your body.
To keep it healthy, there are a few things you can do:
Improve Blood Circulation - This will take the load of your lymphatic system and allow fluid to flow more freely. Resulting in a healthier immune system. We’ll talk more about this in the healing section.
Lymphatic Massage - This is essentially just a massage meant to improve lymphatic circulation. This isn’t something necessary to do if you hit all other points, but it can be a helpful tool.
Hydration - Drinking more fluids will naturally improve your circulation. More will get in and more will get out. And when I say fluids, I mean water. But hydration is more about getting the right electrolytes than it is about water. Because your body needs a way of holding onto the fluid. Some to try and get more of are magnesium, potassium and plain old salt (no it won’t cause heart failure).
Deep Breathing Exercises - This is just another method for improving circulation. Because that’s all improving your lymphatic function really is. In the modern world we tend to unconsciously start breathing shallowly due to stress and what not. So a few deep breathing exercises a day will help to counteract that. This will be the topic of next week’s letter.
Let’s move on.
The Adaptive Immune System

Your adaptive immune system is the seal team 6 of your immune system.
(Or the Avengers if you’re into pop culture references)
It’s highly specific and highly deadly.
It’s mainly composed of B-lymphocytes.
These are cells that produce a very specific type of antibodies (a molecule that fits on specific antigens) that fit on a very specific type of antigen (specific molecules pathogens like bacteria has on them).
In other words, they produce a certain key that fits in a certain lock on invaders.
Your body is always producing about 2 billion different lymphocytes with different antibodies. When a lymphocyte meets its match, it goes into berserker mode and starts to clone itself rapidly.
Some of the new cells become memory cells that (as the name suggests) remember which antibody fits to which antigen. This is how you become immune to certain diseases (and why vaccines work).
The other ones turn into attack cells.
These rascals produce free antibodies as if they were mad. The antibodies then docks to the pathogen and marks them for death to your innate immune system and prevents them from being able to dock with cells.
Your body is essentially doing a small scale of evolution. It’s producing a bunch of random antibodies. When they hit a match, the adaptation is kept.
You are now immune.
To keep this system healthy:
Sleep your ass off - Aah, the foundation of your mental and physical health. And the state that may have been our natural way of life before wakefulness evolved. What I’m trying to say is — it’s important. Prioritize quality and length. And check out all the letters on sleep: “the most chaotic but valuable one”, “my favorite one”, “the most recent one”.
Get all your micronutrients - This shouldn’t come as a surprise. But what’s especially important for this system is: vitamin D (get it mostly from the sun as we talk about here) and zinc (get it through wild fish or bioavailable supplements).
Avoid alcohol - I just don’t see how alcohol is worth it. It isn’t fun, robs you off your ability to think critically and doesn’t even make you that more social. My point is, you can get the effects of alcohol by training your mind. You can learn to build state without it. And skip the negative effect sit has on your immune system, health and wallet.
Fix your damn metabolism - You are energy. The Universe is energy. And so the process of which you go about channeling that energy is by definition the most important process for life. In other words, your metabolism is pretty important. There is a strong link between metabolic health and healing factors in people. It’s why people with diabetes can lose limbs. Their immune system is just so impaired. I’ve spoken at length about this already, so check out ”read this if you want to stay at 12% bodyfat”. I’m also working on some resources on the subject right now. (Dropping in a month or so).
Cycle Herbal Teas - The Yogis were onto something. Herbal tea have been shown to have a bunch of interesting effects on many different processes in your body, including your immune system. Some inspiration is; echinacea, ginger and turmeric. I usually drink a pot of herbal tea every morning just because I love it. Just remember to cycle different teas everyday, taking one herb for too long can have side effects.
Nasal Breathe - The hairs in your nose is there to prevent invaders. Don’t put unnecessary load on your immune system. Breathe through your nose. (This will also improve the aesthetics of your jaw).
This is the foundation of your personal army.
The next step is to keep it in shape.
Keeping Your Army In Shape
”What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”
Most peoples’ immune systems are either over worked or under activated.
Both leading to biological fragility.
So if you want to have some control over your life — you need to keep your immune system in shape.
You do this by using stress (intelligently).
Let me explain.
Both the innate and adaptive immune system are activated by stress.
This means 2 things:
1. Too much and excessive stress will run your immune system down to the ground.
2. Too little stress will make your immune system fall out of shape
In other words, you need to keep a moderate amount of stress on you most of the time.
Have you or someone you know ever worked super hard, then gone on vacation and gotten sick the day after.
It’s because when the immune system finally got a chance to recover and rest, it can’t defend you from pathogens.
So here are a few ways of achieving that delicate balance of stress:
1. The Wim Hof Method

I still remember being in awe when I first found this guy.
Wim Hop is famous for withstanding temperatures that would debilitate most people.
And he has a very particular method of breathing that he surprisingly calls ”Wim Hof” breathing.
The Wim Hof Method is a form of cyclic hyperventilation. Meaning, your in-breath is much stronger and deeper than your out-breathe.
And contrary to what most people think, this does not increase oxygen in the blood. Because the blood is almost fully saturated with oxygen (about 99%). But what it does do is decrease the amount of carbon dioxide.
This does a lot of funny things.
Your body has no way of measuring the amount of oxygen in your blood. So what it does is measure the amount of carbon dioxide.
And depending on that level, it triggers certain responses and reflexes. The urge you feel to breath is due to high levels of carbon dioxide.
So by releasing more carbon dioxide with cyclic hyperventilation — you’re also releasing your pressure to breathe. This gives you a window to hold your breathe for longer. Which is also part of the method.
Why does this matter?
The super long breath-hold creates stress on a cellular level in your entire body and puts you into fight or flight. This results in a sharp increases adrenaline and your body becoming better at utilizing oxygen. (Something I think we all want).
The adrenaline increases your immune systems activity and keeps it in shape. Better oxygen utilization leads to a healthier metabolism which improves every single aspect of your physical being.
Here are some use cases for it:
As soon as you wake up
When you feel like you’re coming down with something
When you’re dropping work and going on vacation
When you just want more energy
And here’s how you do it:
Breathe in until your lungs are completely full
Do a short and light exhale
Repeat 1 and 2 for 30 times
Hold your breath for as long as you can
Then you can repeat this process as many times as you want.
But once is often enough.
Note: Don’t do this while in water, operating heavy machinery or driving.
2. The Stress Of Working Out

Working out is a form of stress.
And even if you have amazing recovery (as we’ll get to next) — your body will eventually need a break.
You can’t run at 100% all of the time because then it wouldn’t be 100%.
To keep a strong biological defense, you need to balance your on and off time. Whatever that means for you (the gym, calisthenics, running, swimming). In other words, you need to be smart with your rest time.
Here are the principles:
Rest days - Your body can’t recover if you push it to its limits every single day. That’s just a fact. You need at least one rest day a week were you’re not exhausting yourself. Do a light run, take a long walk or do some mobility work.
Recovery weeks - Training moves in cycles. When you’re working out consistently, you’re gathering a bunch of fatigue in your muscles. And as long as you keep working out, you can’t recover from it and get the strength or muscle gain you were supposed to. After a while, you need to take some time to heal. This is why almost every powerlifter, bodybuilder and athlete trains in what’s called ”mesocycles”. They increase their intensity for 4 weeks and then take an entire week off of training. I talk more about this in ”How to build more muscle (and find meaning in life)”.
Tuning intensity- The thing about life is that it happens. Some days you just won’t be at your best. It’s important that you don’t get frustrated with your lack of performance and try to push through it. That will only deplete your immune system and make you susceptible for diseases which can knock you out for weeks. You need to tune your intensity to how well you’re feeling. Try to train at at 70 - 85%. Whatever that may mean for you.
Note: This will somewhat depend on your age.
Younger people can get away with working out harder due to the protective factors their bodies produce alongside the cortisol that’s released. The main hormone being DHEA.
But as you get older, your body starts to produce less of this hormone. And you’ll need to get smarter with your recovery.
3. The Stress Of Cold And Heat

If you’ve ever been in a sauna or ice bath…
You know that it’s pretty intense.
Like every other stress enhancing method, both release cortisol, adrenaline and other stress factors. But what’s interesting is that they cause your body to release protective factors as well.
These include gene transcription factors that up regulate the repair mechanisms of your cells and decreasing cortisol. But what I think is the most fascinating are the cold and heat shock proteins.
When your body is exposed to extreme temperatures, the proteins in your cells are at risk of becoming restructured. This poses a problem because the health of your entire organism depends on the shape of these proteins.
But the body has a defense mechanism. When it senses extreme temperatures, it releases cold or heat shock proteins (accordingly).
These proteins protect your proteins from changing shape. Which is an incredible benefit, as your health depends on the integrity of your proteins.
For benefits related to immunity and healing, 1 hour spread out through the week should do the trick. That could be two 30 minute sessions or three 20 minute sessions. (But you can do more if you feel so inclined.)
(We’ll go over how to implement all this in the final protocol.)
Your Repair Process

If you’re alive, you’re gonna get hurt.
There’s no getting around that.
We all get sick, hurt or injured. That’s why having a well functioning repair process is vital for everything related to life. Work, performance, lifespan, etc.
The act of living itself is a repair process. It’s your ability to heal and repair that is keeping you in the realm of the living. Without it, you’re just a feather in the tornado of the universe.
Healing is important.
But how do we maximize it? How do we recover faster from workouts, kick diseases in to time and become real life versions of the wolverine?
Let’s start by understanding what healing even is.
Healing is the process of replacing and building more (and often stronger) cells in response to damage.
This process requires 4 things:
Blood flow
Peace and quiet
First off…
Without energy your body can’t function at all.
Healing is a very metabolically demanding process. So the 1st step to insane healing is making sure your metabolic health is good. The 2nd step getting enough calories and energy from food. (Check out the letters on metabolic health for more depth and actionable advice)
With the necessary energy — you can begin building the new cells.
But you can’t build a cabin without wood. And you can’t build new cells without the right nutrients. This isn’t that complicated. Just get enough carbohydrates, proteins and fat from sources that won’t mess other parts of your body up.
My recommendation is always to start with an animal based diet and experiment until you find one that works optimally for you.
Now you just need to get the nutrients to the damaged tissue.
This is where blood flow comes into the picture. To supply your cells with the necessary energy and building blocks — your blood needs to transport enough oxygen and nutrients to the affected area. This is driven by a process called inflammation.
This is a mechanism that drives more blood to a part of the body by widening the blood vessels. It’s why your thumb gets red if you cut it.
This is also true with exercise recovery. When you’ve worked out hard for a couple of weeks, your muscles are literally chronically inflamed. This channels more blood and nutrients to your muscles and speeds up the process of recovery and hypertrophy (the process of building muscle).
Inflammation is induced by your immune system. So make sure to remember the points we talked about in the last section. (It will be important for the final protocol).
But blood flow is also enhanced by exercise (do your cardio), nutrients found in foods like onions or herbs and most importantly — unlocking your mobility and flexibility (but we’ve already talked about this).
Finally, to allow the entire process of recovery to take place — you need some peace and quiet. You need to take a break from creating more stress on your system. It’s why you need at least one rest day a week and a week off every couple of weeks. Other methods are meditation, NSDR and just living your life without constant stimulus (as we talked about last week).
Let’s sum this up in 4 actionable steps:
Fix your metabolic health (read this if you’re interested)
Fix your diet (start with an animal based and experiment)
Improve your blood flow (Nitric oxide, daily cardio, stretching)
Give yourself some peace and quiet (sleep, rest days and recovery weeks)
For all you biohackers out there — here are some supplements that will aid in recovery as well:
Beef collagen type II
Magnesium (Swim in saltwater)
BPC - 157 (do your own research on this one)
Citrulline Malate (you can get some in cucumber and watermelon)
Let’s move on the the final point of this letter.
The Detoxification Process (Your Biological Clean Up Crew)
I often think people are too concerned with the actual battle.
And not the consequences of it.
No one seems to ask the pretty vital question of ”who’s going to clean up”?
And in the case of your body, that clean up crew is your excretory system.
And not only does it clean up the battle field of your immune system by excreting dead cells and pathogens — but it fights the battles your immune system can’t.
Let me explain.
When pollutants like microplastics, heavy metals or chemicals breach your barriers — your immune system doesn’t really know what to do with it. And so they’re able to roam freely and mess up next to everything about your health. Think of them as bugs in your biology.
But your excretory system is able to kick out these unwanted invaders. And this opens up the potential for a really awesome tool to stay biologically resilient.
(Or at least, I think it is).
The most effective tools are:
In that order.
1. Sweating
Sweating is a mass eviction of biological invaders.
Particularly sweating from exercise. A study found that sweating due to exercise excreted more heavy metals than sweating from sauna did. So the actionable tool here would be to first do your cardio.
Another point is to workout in warm clothing like a sweatshirt (this will also improve performance and increase growth hormone release).
Note: After having sweated out these harmful agents, you need to get wipe them off your skin. Otherwise they’ll be reabsorbed. Wipe yourself off with a towel in the sauna and take off your sweatshirt if it gets drenched.
Sweating regularly is how you keep yourself biologically strong.
2. Hydrating
This one seems pretty straight forward.
Drink a lot of water, take a lot of bathroom trips, get rid of a lot go pathogens.
But hydration is more complicated than that. It’s about holding onto the water as well.
And the way you do this is by getting enough electrolytes and minerals.
I think the most important are:
Some great natural choices are; watermelon, dairy (as raw as possible) and citrus fruits.
But if you want to make sure you get all you need, consider using supplements.

My all time favorite pre-workout
3. Healing your gut
Your gut lining is like your second skin.

I’m not sure how the literature looks at the absorption of pollutants through the gut wall, but strengthening it can’t hurt.
I talk more about this in the letter ”you’re leaving your future to chance (unless you fix this biological circuit)”.
Read that one after you’re done with this.
But your gut is also the home of 80% of your immune system. It controls inflammation and so your healing abilities.
Healing it should be one of your highest priorities when it comes to health.
4. Spitting
This is more of a theory than an actually proven scientific fact.
But almost every way of getting stuff out of your body seems to be a detoxification pathway. So it would make sense that spit would be that too. Even though it is involved in digestion as well.
But I’ve noticed that when I floss, I produce a lot of spit as a result. So I’m wondering if this is to cleanse my gums of the bacteria I’ve released.
It’s at least something worth keeping in mind.
If you feel like you have to spit, don’t let common courtesy hold you back…
Do it.
The Final Protocol (Steal This)
This is the moment you’ve been waiting for.
The final protocol built upon all we’ve talked about.
But before we get to the reveal:
This isn’t dogma. It’s an example and something to use for inspiration.
Remember that the goal is always to build your own personal protocol. Because that’s the only way to true health.
Now let’s unveil it.
The Biologically Bulletproof Program
This program will be divided into 2 categories:
The morning
The week
Run this program every time you’re concerned about catching a cold or want to make sure you stay in shape for an upcoming life event. Important meetings, projects, weddings, travels, etc.
Let’s dive in.
The Daily Routine
These are the habits you’ll work to instill every single day.
The morning:
Calisthenics (2 min)
Herbal tea (1 min)
Stretching (2 min)
Cold shower (2 min)
Lymph massage (1min)
Wim hof breathing (2 min)
Walk + Sunlight (10 min)
Total time: 20 min
The Evening:
Meditation 20 min
Stretching 2 min
Flossing your teeth
The Workout:
Strength training (1 - 1,5 hrs)
Zone 2 cardio (30 minutes)
Intensity at ca 80%
Stretching (2 min)
Note: Strength training performed on workout days and in warm clothing
The Diet:
Metabolic health (enough calories, avoid seed oils, organic meat & organs)
Gut health (pro/pre-biotics, fermented foods, destress)
Enough zinc & magnesium (eggs, cacao, shellfish)
Prioritize electrolytes (potassium, magnesium, sodium)
Blood flow promoting foods (watermelon, beets, garlic)
Supplements (NAC, Collagen type II, Alpha BPC-157, glutathione)
The Weekly Routine
These are the protocols you’ll be doing on a weekly basis.
Sauna 20 minutes
Strength training + Cardio
Echinacea herbal tea
Strength training + Cardio
Tanning 30 minutes (if possible)
Elderberry herbal tea
Sauna 20 minutes
Strength training + Cardio
Calendula herbal tea
Rest day
Myrrh herbal tea
Strength training + Cardio
Sauna 20 minutes
Ginger herbal tea
Strength training + Cardio
Manuka honey tea
Rest day
Cold Exposure
Playing Biological Defense
The world is a hard place.
(If you’re trying to thrive )
It’s constantly attacking you in the form of microplastics, heavy metals, pollutants, viruses and bacteria.
And there is no getting around that.
But what you can do is play defense.
And when you do that, you unlock the luxury of living your best life while there is chaos all around you.
You sit and sip a cup of herbal tea under your storm proof roof while it’s raining outside.
And that’s a pretty good deal.
That’s all for this week.
Thanks for reading and subscribe to the newsletter for more posts like these.
Enjoy your life,