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- How To Use Photosynthesis For A Fuller Life (The 7 Steps For Leveraging The Sun)
How To Use Photosynthesis For A Fuller Life (The 7 Steps For Leveraging The Sun)
Most people see their environment as separate from themselves. But destroy their metabolism, vision and list for life as a result. To achieve optimal health, connecting to your environment isn't optional. And it's especially the case with light.
I’ve always been very energetic.
As a kid, I was a more like a small bolt of electricity than a human.
I would sprint every chance that I got, I would always be doing something and slowing down was a completely alien thought.
But living in Scandinavia, I would always notice a difference between summer and winter.
During the summer, my energy and list for life would rise to the skies — and then predictably fall with the coming of winter. Maybe it was the cold, the meter thick snow or just the decrease in activity.
But as I got older, the difference only continued to grow.
And a few months ago the polarity hit its peak.
My thoughts were racing but I didn’t know about what. I felt completely disconnected from wherever I was. Like I wasn’t truly there.
My motivation to do shit was long gone, life felt like a drag and reality like a complete mess.
The pure energy that had enveloped me as a child was nowhere to be found.
I played every card I knew. Improving my diet, working out like a madman, positive thinking and meditation. And even though it helped, it never felt quite the same.
But after 6 months of grey skies and 10 minutes of sunlight a day, spring finally rolled around. And something funny happened.
With the sun finally shining through the clouds, so did my motivation, brainpower and list for life.
And as I looked around me, I saw the same pattern in others.
I immediately thought back to my childhood and that’s when the dots connected.
The solution to my lack of energy was all around me.
It had always been staring me right in the face.
The energy encompassing me.
The Un-Ignorability Of Environment

“And although our bodies are bounded with skin, and we can differentiate between outside and inside, they cannot exist except in a certain kind of natural environment.”
The average person lives life completely scrambled.
The environment he’s put himself in is so out of line with his biology that everything around him collapses into chaos.
The confusion of his body scrambles his entire sense of reality and life turns into one big mess.
Ordinary sights and smells turn into annoyances, the world loses its magic and the connection to the only thing that actually exist fades.
This unfortunate state is what happens when you ignore one important insight.
That you are your environment.
Because the light, air and particles around you is always coding your biology.
Your organs, cells and genes are adapting to the things around them and. watching your inner world to the outside. And so you are only as balanced as your environment is optimal.
But when you fail to see this, funny things start happening.
When you look at your environment as separate from you — you start neglecting it.
You spend all your time inside
You stop cleaning up after yourself
You stop paying attention to your air quality
But because it’s a part of you — it of course comes back to bite you in the ass.
Your mind becomes as cluttered as your room
The polluted air causes diseases and dims your life
Your crappy light environment destroys your motivation
Because your environment isn’t something separate from you — it’s you!
The interaction between the outside and inside of your body is what makes up the field of experience you call you.
So when the environment is in chaos — so are you.
Think about how difficult it is to think clearly when your entire room is cluttered.
Or imagine the mental sluggishness you feel when you’ve spent an entire day indoors.
Evolution selected the genes most fit for its environment. And so you will always function at your best in that natural environment.
And furthermore, you can’t understand something without also understanding its environment.
Take a second to look round your right now. What do you see?
For all intents and purposes — that’s you.
You evolved symbiotically with your environment. And because you can’t survive without it, it is by definition a part of you.
The sights and particles around you is as much part of you as your arm or leg.
And so we arrive at the conclusion that the quality of your environment is the quality of your life. Because there isn’t a real difference, only a mental.
And the environment most people miss is the energy all around you.
Even though it may just be the most important one.
Your Life Is Only As Bright As Your Environment
When your environment is a mess — you are too.
And the most important but neglected environment is light.
The different:
Are constantly coding your biology.
It’s what controls your mood, energy and connection to reality.
But because it doesn’t feel tangible, because you can’t grab it — people just ignore it.
But no matter what you think, it’s still coding you. And if you’re not deliberate about it, the Universe will be — and it will choose chaos every time.
Because when you lose touch with your natural light environment you also lose touch with life.
Let me paint you a picture.
Your energy levels become so spread out that instead of being awake during the day and falling asleep at night — you fight exhaustedly through the day and aren’t tired enough to fall asleep when the night comes.
Your brain acts as if it’s night and your mind becomes so sluggish that you can’t do your work or contribute to humanity.
The unnatural light environment makes your vision becomes so blurred that you’re no longer able to appreciate the miracle of existence.
Because when your light environment is messed, so is the code you’re sending your body. And it scrambles your entire biology.
To go even further.
The reason you don’t feel like you’re not living in reality is because you aren’t.
When you fail to see that your environment is a part of you — you neatly cut out and essential piece of your being and replaced it with a cheap substitute.
Your natural light environment with the junk light of modern day living.
I’m not saying that this is bad, or that it’s anyone’s fault. It’s a necessary part of the progression of mankind.
But we’ve simply got too much of it.
We’ve moved too far from our optimal light environment.
And as I hope you’ve realized by now — we’ve also moved too far away from ourselves.
But to understand how all this fits into the solution we’ll get to — you need to see the context behind it.
The Metaphorical Lights Of Life
Throughout all human history, there has always been one constant — the rise and fall of the sun. No matter what, the sun always rose and the sun always fell. And after some time, we naturally started to match our behavior to the light and dark cycles.
When the sun rose, it was time for energy and movement. When the it fell, it was time for rest and letting go of the day.
And eventually — our whole biology naturally became wired to it.
After countless cycles of day and night, a delicate balance of hormones and neurotransmitters developed within us. And eventually, every organ and cell in our bodies became regulated by the light emitted by the sun.
In other words, we started to match our biology to the environment around us.
The type of light let our bodies know when it was time to move, rest, work and play. The sun became sort of an anchor point in time and space.
This was the origin of what’s known as your circadian rhythm (which I’m sure you’ve heard about). The master timekeeper inside your body.
I want you to think of light as the master switch of your biology.
It can either turn on your energy, motivation and zest for life or shut it all down completely.
But unfortunately as technology has advanced, our technical progress has started to work against our biological (as it often does :( )
We separated ourselves more and more from our environment with the use of artificial lights and housing. We filtered our light environment with windows and sunglasses.
But by messing with and cutting out our natural light environment — we also cut out a part of ourselves.
We started to code our biology to God only knows what.
And many health problems appeared as a result:
Poor eyesight
Sleep deprivation
Lack of motivation
Chronic exhaustion
And of course other factors play into these — but so does light.
Which is exactly my point because it’s so often ignored.
You can take every sleep supplement in the world — but if you haven’t anchored your circadian rhythm, the little rest you do get will be that of closing your eyes for a couple of minutes.
You can tinker with your diet for the entirety of your life — but if you don’t get enough light, your metabolism will always be that of a single cylinder engine.
And as we lost touch with our light environment we scrambled our biology to the point of life feeling surreal.
Without the sun and your natural light environment, your biology goes berserk. It doesn’t know where, when or even who it is.
You can’t really see the things around you and there’s always this light disconnectedness from wherever your feet are.
Because without your natural light environment — you quite literally lose touch with reality. Your body isn’t anchored to anything stable and collapses into chaos.
And unfortunately, so does your life.
And I wouldn’t recommend that (speaking from experience).
So to avoid the disconnectedness from reality, let me paint you a more accurate picture of why this happens.
Your Hormones And Passion For Life
The way I like to think about light and biology is like this:
Your hormones are the code of your biology.
And the programmer is your light environment.
Let’s quickly understand the process.
Because if you understand just this, you’ll be able to fully take advantage of the tools we’ll get to in a second.
So let’s dive in.
When light hits your eyes, small cells in your eyes interprets the light and sends a signal to a brain-structure called the SCN.
This is the master timekeeper of your body (it’s what regulates your circadian rhythm).
It lets your body know where, when and who it is.
It does this by interpreting the light hitting your eyes and skin. And depending on the frequency, wavelength and intensity — steering your hormone release and writing the code for your health in response.
Think of your SCN as what connects you to your environment.
It’s what interprets the signals around you and then shapes your biology accordingly.
It’s what lets your body know what’s going on, when it is and what it should be doing.
As an example:
When it notices a lot of blue light, it ramps up your body’s activity.
When it notices a lot of red light, it settles down.
When your light environment is balanced, so are your hormones (and so are you).
When it isn’t, everything becomes chaos (including you).
And among all the hormones that are regulated by light, the key player in your circadian rhythm, is a little rascal called melatonin.
The Thing About Melatonin
Melatonin is the hormone of darkness.
It’s the signal of winter, scarcity and apathy.
It zaps your energy
It annihilates motivation
It slows down metabolism
It shuts down mental performance
This might sound like a terrible combination (which it is) — but it’s exactly what you want during sleep.
You want to let go of all the ideas of the day, so that you can plunge yourself in restful darkness at the end of the day and emerge again the next (as we talked about a few letters ago).
But because melatonin controlled by your light environment, the beneficial effects depends on how balanced the light you are getting is.
(If you re-read the list above, you will probably realize it’s not something you want high during the day).
The key thing to know is this: Blue light supresses the effects of melatonin
And because blue light is emitted by the sun, being emerged in your light environment stabilizes your melatonin release and creates balance in your biology and life.
In other words, you get your energy during the day and your tiredness during the evening.
To quote Paul Saladino, Muy bueno!
But unfortunately, the average light environment does just the opposite.
It doesn’t give you enough blue and full spectrum light during the day, and too much of it during the night.
(Courtesy of screens and modern day work environments).
As a result, melatonin release becomes chaotic. And you end up in a peculiar state where you take the energy out of your day and the tiredness out of your evening.
You lose your motivation and list for life during the day and can’t recharge it during the evening (as we go over in ”your life sucks because you can’t let go of it”).
More specifically…
What ends up happening is a complete scrambling and chaos inside your body:
Your mind becomes sluggish and you can’t work at your fullest abilities
Your body sees motivation as a scarce resource and won’t allow joy or momentum
Your sex organs shrink due to the suppressive effects of melatonin and you lose all your romantic passion
Your body is half asleep, your mind trapped in the future and your testicles in another dimension.
And the chaos inside your body quickly manifests outside as well.
You can’t enjoy the present moment because you’re always chronically exhausted.
You’re always sleep deprived because your body doesn’t get adequate suppressing effects.
You lose the motivation and energy to chase your dreams and start spiraling towards depression.
It all ends with this unfortunate logic…
When you start hiding from your light environment — you start hiding from your dreams as well.
Let me just say this.
Chaos is not a nice place to be at.
But when you fail to see that the light around you is part of you (as well as paying attention to it) — that’s what you’re turning your life into.
A lot of melatonin is not something you want, especially not sporadically released throughout the day.
It’s probably the closest thing you can come to being a zombie.
And if you want more out of life — I would dare to say that you can’t do that effectively as a constant chaotic mess.
So let’s finally solve that.
Flicking On The Metaphorical Lights Again

Behind it all is surely an idea so simple, so beautiful, that when we grasp it – in a decade, a century, or a millennium – we will all say to each other, how could it have been otherwise?
When you connect to your light environment, you connect to life.
You order the chaos of hormones previously chaotically rushing around your body.
Sights become clearer, sounds become crisper and reality manifests itself again.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been as on the verge of giving up and then immediately regained my passion as I stepped out in the morning sun.
So what is the optimal light environment.
Your biology is coded to a certain kind of light environment. And it is always there that it will perform and feel the best.
And until we’ve figured out how to reliably rewrite our genetic code…
That environment will always be the sun (as you’ve probably already figured out).
Because not only does it contain the right type of light at the right time of the day. But the frequencies, wavelengths and intensities all do wonders for structuring your inner environment.
You get a full spectrum of light which is just impossible to get through artificial or filtered light through a window. And your body can tell the difference.
Sunlight contains the signals we were exposed to for our entire evolution. And it’s what our biology is equipped to use for organizing itself.
The yellow fading of the sunrise, the bright flickering of the noon and the red gleam of the golden hour. It’s all a part of your being.
You were meant to watch the sunrise, see the brightness of the mid day and enjoy the sun setting along the horizon.
Your natural light environment is the sun.
You can think of it as the grass fed grass finished beef version of light (and artificial and filtered light as the junk food version).
But let’s get a bit more specific.
What happens when you fully connect to your natural light environment?
Why is it something you want?
You already know what problems it solves, but let’s shoot of a few of the benefits.
Your energy levels becomes stable — When your hormones stabilize, you get the energy of a thousand suns during the day and go out like a light at night. Fueling your life and allowing a deep and restful bout of sleep at the same time.
Your passion for life returns — When you get enough sunlight, you’re stimulating the skin gonad axis and therefore the production of sex hormones like testosterone. As a result, you regain the passion for passing through obstacles, taking on life and pursuing sexual partners.
Your sending signals of abundance — Motivation and discipline becomes abundant. Joy appears and anxiety dissipates. Your creativity opens up and you’re able to achieve true conscious change (as we talk about here)
Stress fades into the background — because light works on the HPA axis, when your light environment is on point life starts flowing. You’re no longer as trapped in the future and can enjoy the present moment. You can see the trees, hear the birds chirping and actually enjoy existence.
Your metabolism ramps up — When you connect to your natural light environment, hormones stimulates your metabolism allowing the energy to think, work and create. As well as the resources to move, live and enjoy.
Your body starts healing — With a full spectrum of light nutrients, your body can use the energy to heal itself. Red light penetrates through your skin and can stimulate your body to repair itself by increasing ATP production in cells.
“Aren’t these problems more complicated than just getting some light?”
Of course.
But by never connecting to your natural light environment you’re not allowing the solutions to manifest. Even if everything else about you is on point.
Because health is an extremely complex system, it’s dependent on an unimaginable amount of tiny variables.
But light is one of those non optional nodes in the network. And if you’re intelligent, you’ll realize the leverage you get by pressing on it.
But just before we get to the juicy science based tools, there are probably some faint objections society has programmed into your head floating around.
So let’s tackle these real quick.
A Larger Perspective On The Sun
The ancient Greeks saw the sun as the god Apollo riding across the heavens.
He could bring either health and happiness or sickness and disease.
In just the same way, the right use of light move entire life up a level. And the wrong way bring sickness and despair.
But despite what you hear around you, it’s not as black and white as you might think.
Let me paint you a quick masterpiece of why.
People will tell you to watch out for the sun.
They will warn you about:
Skin damage
DNA mutations
And in a lot of ways, they’re right. But in most — they’re not.
For example, the cancer that is directly caused by sunlight is relatively harmless. And a bunch of other cancers (ovarian, colon, pancreatic, prostate) are caused by the lack of sunlight.
Funny how that works..
But the thing I want to get across is that the situation is much more nuanced.
The problem is that the human mind loves to accept absolutes to avoid the strain of actually thinking (but we’ve already talked about this).
Too much ultraviolet light can damage the skin and even alter gene expression. Which is generally not good.
But because we evolved being exposed to the sun 24/7 — our bodies have a way of protecting itself.
Let me explain.
When your eyes notice blue light from the sun, it assumes that there is also ultraviolet light. So to protect itself, it releases hormones and activates cell complexes to strengthen the skin defense.
Ultraviolet light is a stressor meaning it does some damage to your body — but so is working out.
And in the same way that your muscles grow back stronger after exercise — your skin becomes tougher after sun exposure.
You develop a sort of ”sun callous”.
But here’s the thing.
The strength of your sun callous that will protect against skin depends on your general light environment and diet.
And because most people’s diets and light environments are terribly compromised, so is their ability to protect their skins.
And when these people participate in studies, guess what the results show.
But let’s go a bit deeper.
Your skin can only grow back stronger if it’s allowed to recover.
The key to this is that your body can’t see ultraviolet light.
So whenever there is blue light around, your body acts as if there is also ultraviolet light.
And logically, blue light triggers the protection of the skin. But in so doing, it also inhibits the recovery of it. In the same way that working out inhibits the recovery of your muscles during an exercise bout.
In other words, as long as you’re exposed to blue light your skin isn’t recovering.
And because the modern light environment is filled with blue light even after the sun has set, your skin never gets a chance to recover.
And so it crumbles.
No bueno :(
You are what you eat.
This applies to your skin as well.
And the biggest problem in the modern day is seed oils.
When you eat these rapscallions, they get incorporated into your skin cells.
And when your skin is then exposed to ultraviolet light, they can become oxidized. And as a result, cause oxidative stress and overall make your skin more susceptible to damage from the sun.
Which isn’t fun.
Point is, what you eat will determine how well your skin deals with ultraviolet light.
To sum this all up…
And because the modern day light and nutritional diet is so out of whack, most people will see negative results from too much sun exposure.
But by using what you’ve just learned as well as the following steps, you can leverage the sun for optimal health instead.
You can reconnect to your light environment and to a deeper and much older part of your being.
You can learn the art of photosynthesis.
7 Steps To Photosynthesis
Technology is a double edged sword.
It improves our living conditions but also move us away from our natural ones.
But because it’s too late to go back to the way our ancestors lived thousands of years ago (and because you wouldn’t truly want that if you really think about it) — we have to tailor our modern environment instead.
It’s what I like to think of as the 2nd step of technology.
Because when we use technology we often separate ourselves from our environment as well.
And so the 2nd step of technology is to tailor it to mimic the environment it was used to distance ourselves from in the first place. Which is ironic, but true.
So to connect to your natural light environment — I’ve developed 7 tools for you.
(Number 6 is the most important)
1. Light Anchoring
Looking at the sun is the same as ordering your biology
When your eyes are exposed to sunlight — you’re whole biology calibrates to it.
Your circadian rhythm has a remarkable ability to coordinate itself to the rays of the sun and can almost instantly adapt to a new environment.
Even if your circadian rhythm is completely scrambled, just going for a 10 walk in the sun anchors your biology in time and space.
It balances your energy levels and allows you to get the most out of your day.
And there are 3 times of days when light anchoring is most important (in descending order):
The most important time to get sunlight is first thing in the morning.
This triggers a whole cascade of reactions in your body, giving you a boost of energy, mental clarity and motivation to carry you through the day.
Every morning, try to get outside and look just underneath the sun (Don’t damage your eyes please).
You want to do this for 10 minutes on a sunny day and 20 - 30 minutes on cloudy and really overcast days.
Note: If it isn’t completely dark outside, there is sunlight. And it will still anchor you. It will just take more time.
The 2nd most important time is during the evening.
If you for some reason couldn’t get your morning sunlight (God forbid) — watching the sunset can still anchor your circadian rhythm.
My favorite way of doing this is getting outside during the golden hour, putting on some interesting lecture and letting the ideas flow.
This way you’ll still be productive and not waste time (even if that in it of itself is an illusion).
The 3rd most important time is around noon.
Because you’re hopefully a productive human being contributing to society and aren’t spending your whole day optimizing health — you will spend time indoors.
And morning to noon is when the majority of your quality work gets done. Even if you believe it or not.
But this means that you’ve descended into an unnatural light environment for quite some time. So when noon rolls around, it’s important to get outside and emerge yourself in some natural full spectrum light.
This will rid you of the tension behind your forehead, clear your mind and stabilize your energy levels again.
Then if you like, you can get inside and do more work which will now be of much higher quality.
2. Photosynthesis
Light is energy.
And your body can use it just as such.
Sun exposure has been shown to increase the production of vitamin D, sex hormones like testosterone and ramp up your glucose metabolism.
This is because of something previously mentioned called the skin-gonad axis. Meaning, the connection between your skin and sex organs.
But to become a full fledged master of photosynthesis — you need to expose your skin to the light.
The studies showing the greater improvements in metabolism, testosterone and overall health involved 30 minutes of sun exposure to as much skin as possible 3 times a week.
I would think of this as the minimum.
So get outside at least 3 times a week with light clothes and enjoy the sun rays while reading a book or something.
I usually get outside dressed like madman. No shirt, shorts and sometimes even barefooted.
(However it’s worth mentioning that I don’t live in the middle of a giant city).
3. Create Room For Recovery
Ray bans is probably the most expensive way to be unhealthy.
They don’t make you look cool.
What they do is:
Age your skin
Block the benefits of the sun
Make you look like every other NPC
Because you want as much of the sun’s light to actually hit your eyes.
When you’re wearing sunglasses you block certain wavelengths and turn the full spectrum light into junk light.
And because you block a lot of blue light, your skin doesn’t realize that there is ultraviolet light. As a result, it doesn’t protect itself.
What ends up happening is the sun damaging your skin, oxidative stress and other nasty problems because your skin thinks it’s time for recovery.
All because you’re annoyed by a little bit of light.
You should also know that your eyes can adjust to bright light.
Start by looking towards the sun for a few seconds and then looking away. Do this a few times everyday and your eyes will learn to adjust to the brightness.
Wearing sunglasses is a low consciousness material flex.
But not wearing them is a high consciousness health flex.
You don’t need to dim down life.
Let your eyes see reality as it is!
4. Fixing Your Light Diet
You become what your environment is.
Especially when it comes to light.
When you’re not getting a full spectrum of light, you’re scrambling your entire biology.
As we’ve already gone over:
Your vision declines
Your brain becomes sluggish
Your energy slowly dissipates
And just as there are nutrients in food — there are nutrients in light.
And when you’re shielded by a window or blasted with artificial light from your screen and desk lamp — you become deficient in them.
Filtered light is just not something you want.
You do get some benefit from sitting in front of a window in the short term. But in the long term the filtered light has an even worse effect on you than had you been trapped in a closet.
You need the right light nutrients.
And the way you get them is, surprise surprise — through the sun.
So when you’re working indoors, make sure to take regular brakes and nourish your spirit with some full spectrum sunlight (even if it’s cloudy).
This will also improve your work, especially if it’s of the creative sort.
5. Avoiding Blue Light
The biggest light disruptor today is blue light.
Because it’s literally everywhere.
Fridge light
Bathroom lighting
And because our bodies treat blue light as a sign of ultraviolet light — we run into a lot of problems.
Because by looking at blue light at the wrong time of day — you’re shifting your circadian rhythm.
You’re changing the timing of hormones and energy, resulting in terrible sleep and a chaotic existence.
And you’re also never sending the signals of darkness to your biology. As a result, you also mess with your recovery.
Your skin becomes damaged
Your stress hormones are never tempered
But society has evolved in such a way that we can’t really avoid blue light completely.
But by managing, minimizing and timing it, you can keep the order inside your body while still doing what your survival demands of you.
So here’s a list of just that:
Use red light after sunset
Invest in a pair of blue light blocking glasses
Avoid blue light after sunset and before sunrise
Download a blue light blocker on your computer
6. Building Your Sun Callous
The sun is a stressor.
And so it’s only by recovering and strengthening your skin that you can get the most out of it.
Think of it as building a sun callous (AKA a tan).
And it works just like any bodily adaptation to stress:
This is the most important step out of all 7.
1. Exposure
The first step is to expose your skin to the sun.
If your skin isn’t used to much skin exposure, you’ll need to start small.
Get outside in the morning and late afternoon for 10 - 30 minutes exposing as much of your skin as possible (and feel comfortable with lol).
Try to avoid the highest intensity periods of sun for now :)
You can think of the sessions as ”sets”. You can do a lot of shorter sets with rest periods in between or just one longer set.
2. Recovery
The 2nd step is to let your skin recover.
After all, stress is only beneficial if you’re allowed to recover from it.
The way you do this is obviously by avoiding sunlight but also blue light. Because as you remember, blue light activates the stress response in your skin and prevents recovery.
So when you’re resting from the sun’s rays, don’t expose yourself to too much blue light.
Put your computer on night mode, turn down the lights and embrace darkness for a while.
Note: This is helpful during the day but 80 % will come from avoiding blue light during night. Especially during the period of 8 pm to 4 am. Because during sleep is when the majority of the recovery takes place.
3. Progression
The 3rd step is to gradually increase your sun exposure.
Increase the length of your sets and move closer and closer to the higher intensity periods of the day.
You can use sunscreen and slowly temper off as your skin accumulates more melanosomes (AKA you get more tanned).
But unfortunately, most sunscreens are bullshit.
They contain heave metals that are absorbed by the skin, and sometimes even seed oils.
However, there are some harmless things that seem very promising for protecting and strengthening your skin.
The most potent ones seem to be:
Vitamin E
So if the sun is really strong, you could make your own sunscreen with butter or tallow and adding iodized salt and zinc.
But remember that diet is extremely important when it comes to building your sun callous.
You want to:
Avoid processed foods
Avoid Omega 6 (seed oils)
Relish saturated fats (butter, tallow, coconut oil)
If you want to, you can also check out the letters ”how to lose fat without trying”, ”Stop fearing this molecule (if you care about existence)” and ”Your diet is your destiny”.
If you fix your diet and control your light environment as well as slowly expose your skin to more ultraviolet light (and aren’t in an environment too different from your natural skin tone) you can probably be outside as long as the sun is out.
That was a mouthful (but you know, in your head).
Note: If you have genomes for skin diseases or particular sensitivity to skin cancer, please consult with a doctor before frying yourself in the sun. This isn’t medical advice, it is to spread awareness and give you the tools to experiment your way to optimal health.
7. Keep Your Nights Dark
In the same way that you need light — you also need darkness.
The one implies the other.
This is crucial if you want to get the most out of your sleep (and conscious existence).
Studies show that being exposed to just a little bit of light during sleep destroys its quality. Increase in fat gain, depression and insulin resistance are all observed in participants who’ve been exposed to light during sleep.
This happens because melatonin is what keeps you asleep and allows for recovery. But because it’s so easily influenced by light, just a flash can supress it and therefore disintegrate your sleep.
And most people don’t sleep in a completely dark environment. Light comes through the curtains and nightly bathroom visits is often coupled with a bright bathroom light.
This is not something you want to be doing.
If it happens every now and then, it isn’t such a big problem. But for most people, this is daily life (but you know, during the night). And their sleep, hormonal health and conscious existence all suffer because of it.
But there are things you can do to keep the darkness around you.
This will keep melatonin high when you want it to be, plunge you into restful sleep and snap you back to reality with the energy you need to take on the day.
It will keep your hormones balanced and most of all — your biology ordered.
Here are the 3 main things to do:
Get a high quality night mask
Invest in some blackout curtains
Turn of devices with small blinking light
Seeing The Beauty Of Life
”Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”
We all have different conditions when it comes to light.
People in Scandinavia (like myself) will fight just for a few minutes of sunshine during the winter while people around the equator gets everything they need without even trying.
So when it comes to light, health and everything in life — always do what you can and don’t worry about anything else.
You will get further in time — don’t worry.
When you connect to your natural light environment — you find the missing piece of your being.
Your energy, hormones and consciousness balances out and life becomes clear.
And you can finally se the beauty of life that was always around you.
You just had to get out of your house.
That’s all for this one.
Thanks for reading.
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Get outside & enjoy the sunshine
- Simon
References (So you don’t have to just blindly believe me)
It appeared before me in a magnificent dream