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- The Ultimate Goal Of Life Is Flow (How To Turn Life Into Play)
The Ultimate Goal Of Life Is Flow (How To Turn Life Into Play)
People see life as the ultimate chore. They're too quick to adopt the goals given to them by other people and end up in lives they hate. But what if there's way to turn life into play again?
People see life as the ultimate chore.
They see goals as things they ought to do, hate the process of getting there and are still not satisfied with the result.
They live life in a state of pure anxiety or complete boredom.
When life itself becomes a chore – you take the joy out of living.
The things that used to pull you out of bed now require discipline and grit
The things you used to love learning about now bore you to death
The goals that used to excite you have turned into giant monsters causing anxiety
What used to be play has now become work.
That state of unbelievable and effortless progress is long gone.
Reality has become a dull repeating sequence you have to drag yourself through.
When life becomes something you ought to do – it loses its meaning.
It feels like I experience something like this every 6 months or so.
It usually comes after I’ve completed a big project or reached a big goal.
Life feels completely empty.
Every time I’ve gotten out of a rut like this, I’ve noticed a pattern.
When life loses its magic – you’re out of balance.
You’re not pushing the boundaries of the unknown on every level of life.
You are not in flow.
This letter is for those who are out of balance – the ones who feel life has become a chore.
I’m here to tell you that there is a way to slip into that state of unbelievable and effortless progress again.
To turn life into play again.
To turn it into flow.
The Only Sustainable Work Is Play
Your life feels like a chore because you’re pursuing someone else’s idea of life.
People are too quick to accept other people’s goals because they don’t want to face the chaos of figuring it out on their own.
But in doing so, they alienate themselves from the path they were always meant to walk down.
The path that would have turned their life into play.
In other words — they’re shying away from their purpose.
When you’re forcing yourself to do anything other than your true innate desire — life can’t be anything but a chore.
When life itself becomes a burden, you lose the will to carry on – to go further.
You start approaching life with a bare minimum attitude.
Your life’s purpose becomes a passing grade for the goals you’ve adopted from friends, society or social media.
Think back to when you were forced to do something tedious like throwing out the trash – now imagine that as your whole life.
When you’re pursuing someone else’s idea of life, you lose all motivation and list for life.
Everything becomes something you have to do.
Eventually, death begins to sound more and more like a sweet relief.
Today’s glorification of discipline amplifies the problem…
It’s seen as the thing that will free you from a miserable life when in reality – it’s the cause.
Let me paint you a picture.
When you have to force yourself through life – discipline becomes shackles.
It holds you back from pursuing your true curiosity and purpose.
I would even go far as to say:
Relying on discipline is a sign you’re on the wrong path.
Don’t get me wrong, discipline is important – but only in the beginning.
When it becomes your main fuel — life becomes meaningless really quick.
Goals turn into tyrannical monsters forcing you to lead a life you hate.
Everyday actions lose meaning because your freedom of choice disappears.
Results become meaningless and stop satisfying you.
I talk a lot about inner civil war – but if anything is…
This is it.
When you’re relying on discipline – you’re fighting your purpose.
You are fighting your being.
Discipline is a tool for fighting the stupid inclinations of the mind — not your true self.
Not only do you begin to despise life itself, but you won’t achieve the success you would have, had you followed your inner inclination.
When life becomes a chore, you’re swimming against the current of the universe – against the current of your being.
Joy and meaning lies in following your inner inclination.
The things that feel like play to you but look like work to others.
But this requires one fundamental decision on your part…
You need to create your own fucking goals.
You need to turn life into flow.
And when you get there:
Goals will turn into opportunities again, the process of getting there will be pure enjoyment and the results will always be fulfilling.
Work will turn into play.
Relying on discipline will eventually rust you away.
Letting your natural inclination pull you forward will make you grow.
The only sustainable work is play.
Flow As The Ultimate Goal Of Life
A good piece of music is meaningful.
It’s one of those things we all know but can’t articulate why.
All we know is that music is meaningful and any argument against it is stupid.
Music is the fundamental truth of the universe.
The meaning of music is the key to a meaningful life.
Let me paint you a picture.
A bad piece of music isn’t balanced.
It’s either too predictable or too unpredictable.
A monotonous tone or arbitrary noises isn’t music – the balance between them is.
This is the true nature of experience.
We can divide experience into 2 parts, chaos and order.
Chaos is the unknown.
It’s the sharks beneath the dark surface, nature’s wrath, novelty and freedom.
Order is the known.
It’s the familiarity of home, the dependency of society, repetitiveness and constraint.
Both extremes are nasty places to be at. Too much chaos is anxiety, too much order is boredom.
The perfect balance of both however, is where meaning is created.
This is what a good piece of music does.
Novel notes appear out of the order of familiar patterns, surprising and delighting you.
It’s a perfect balance between order and chaos.
Music is meaningful because your brain can detect when you’re perfectly situated between order and chaos.
There’s another word for this state you might have heard of…
If this is the first time you’re hearing about it, I’ll give you a brief rundown.
Flow is a sense of fluidity between your body and mind, where you are totally absorbed by and deeply focused on something, beyond the point of distraction.
Time goes by in an instant, you forget the world and even your sense of self.
It’s the bodybuilder looking up from his last set realizing it's been 3 hours
It’s the writer closing her laptop realizing it’s dark
It’s the guitarist so focused on the music that he forgets himself
Flow is self development in motion.
Because flow demands every bit of your conscious attention. You have to perform slightly above your ultimate capabilities.
After every flow state you become more complex.
Your skills have gotten sharper, your mind has become more effective and you as a person have grown.
Athletes often describe it as “being in the zone”.
Everything is effortless, you know exactly what to do and precisely how to do it.
It’s often referred to as “the optimal human experience”.
It’s what happens when the balance of order and chaos appears in consciousness. The known and unknown, chaos and order, challenge and skill.
An easy way to visualize this is with the flow channel diagram.

When the challenge of an activity is too low for your skill level you become bored. If it’s too high you become anxious.
If the challenge slightly exceeds your skill level, you enter flow.
(Remember this, it will be useful soon)
Flow can be described as order in consciousness. The reason it feels so great is because it prevents your mind’s natural inclination towards chaos (psychic entropy).
(But we’ve already talked about this)
Challenge and skill is the main driver for flow, but there are also a set of conditions that must be met to allow it.
The 3 rules for flow:
Clear goals – You need a goal to orient your actions towards
Deep concentration – You need to invest enough psychic energy into the activity
Clear feedback – You need to know if what you’re doing is working
These 3 rules are the key to flow (and an enjoyable and meaningful life).
A flow state typically lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours (because it’s very neurologically demanding).
But the rules of flow can be applied to the entirety of life.
With intention, life itself can be turned into a flow state.
This is what “finding your purpose” is.
It’s how you create meaning in life.
But you've already experienced something like this…
It’s called being a kid.
Turning Life Into Play (Your Life’s Purpose Is Staring You In The Face)
When you were a child, your life was one big flow state.
Every flower deserved inspection, every noise required investigation.
Everything was meaningful.
When you were a child – you lived on the border between the known and the unknown.
You lived in flow.
When you ask people when they were the most happy in life – the answer is often childhood.
But thinking back to a time of happiness to escape the misery of daily life is not the way to live a meaningful and interesting life.
I’m not saying you should reject all memories of childhood, you should cherish them.
But if all your life’s happiness lies in the past – something is clearly wrong.
Enjoyment and happiness isn’t something reserved for children, it’s not something meant to be discarded after having hit the age of 18.
It’s something always available to those who know where to look.
If we take apart what made childhood so enjoyable and meaningful – we can create the same feeling of meaning and enjoyment in our lives today.
The nature of childhood is the first clue to finding purpose in life.
So let’s dissect the shit out of it.
When you were a child life felt like flow for 2 reasons:
2) Your Emotional Compass
To a child, boredom and anxiety are extremely painful.
Just try putting a child alone in a room for 30 minutes or leaving him alone at the airport.
These 2 emotions played a push pull on your life.
Because of this, you would always try to match the challenge to your skill level – the unknown to the known.
If you didn’t, you would become bored out of your mind or get so anxious you would break down in tears.
When you got bored, you sought out a challenge
When you got anxious, you decreased or adapted to the challenge
You would always match your skill level to the challenge life presented.
As you hopefully remember, challenge and skill is the main driver for flow.
Because emotions had such a strong pull on you — you would always move towards flow.
Anxiety and boredom was your compass, flow was your destination.
This is still the case.
You are still wired for flow – but you’ve lost touch with your compass.
When you get bored, you pull out your phone.
When you get anxious, you retreat from the challenge and numb your mind with entertainment.
You are being guided towards flow every waking second, you’re just not listening.
As a result life loses meaning, because you take away the only thing that will sustain it — flow.
The solution to this is simple — but simple things are always the hardest.
You need to follow the signs of your being.
When life gets anxious, decrease the challenge or improve your skill.
When life gets boring, increase the challenge or seek out a new one.
Play hot and cold with your emotion until you find yourself in the middle between chaos and order.
Follow your inner compass until life becomes meaningful.
Anxiety and boredom is your compass that always points to true north…
Meaning, purpose, flow.
2) The Complexity Of The Game
When life makes sense, it becomes meaningful.
Flow and play is so enjoyable because things just make sense.
Your consciousness is ordered.
As a child, achieving this wasn’t difficult.
You had a set of rules, goals and feedback for everything you did.
Life was one big game.
Let’s take the example of stealing cookies to illustrate this:
Goal: Get the cookies.
Rules: Don’t get caught
Feedback: Moms attention towards the kitchen
Life was a series of small and simple games like this. Creating flow wasn’t particularly difficult.
Let’s consider life as one big game.
When you were a child, you played the games of tag, role-play and trading toys.
Now, you play the games of work, social relations and economics.
Life is still a game, but the challenge has grown infinitely.
To create meaning and flow in life, you need to match the unfathomable challenge life creates by sharpening your skills.
But increasing your skill set to match all the challenges of life would require several lifetimes.
You have to prioritize.
As kids, we were all pretty similar in skills, interests and competence. The challenge of life was just low enough so that it became play.
But people grow, they adopt new skills, interests and expertise.
They differentiate.
To put it simply, there are certain paths of life that fit us better than others.
Some paths will require you to force yourself down, some will pull you forward.
We can look at the path pulling you forward as “your purpose”.
Without developing skill, you can’t match the challenge life presents. Without pursuing the path of life you’re pulled forward by — you have to rely on willpower.
Both of these make a life of flow impossible.
It turns enjoying life into an infinitely difficult task.
The one true path of meaning is developing your skills along the path you feel pulled forward by.
To create flow in life you need to develop the skills around your genuine interests to match the infinite challenge of life.
When you’ve found the things that create meaning in your life by following the signals of anxiety and boredom – you need to work to make it a part of your life.
You do this by researching and developing the required skills all in a state of flow (we’ll talk about this in the next section).
When you manage this, life itself becomes one big flow state.
When we see children completely infatuated with the experience of life, we call it play.
We don’t realize that it’s an integral part of the human experience.
We think of it as reserved for kids – when it’s actually how you create meaning in life.
Playing your way through life is how you balance order and chaos.
It’s how you pursue your purpose.
Your Life’s Purpose
Your life’s purpose is staring you right in the face.
Your emotions are pulling you towards the path of life that will be the most rewarding to you but you’re not listening.
Your job is to follow the signs of your being and develop the required skills to create a sustainable life around it.
I want you to look at your “purpose” as your “flow avenue”.
The path of life that most creates flow in your consciousness.
What looks like work to others but feels like play to you.
Because the only sustainable work is play.
Living On The Edge
Life is flow if you make it.
It’s a challenge (don't get me wrong)...
But is there any more worthwhile pursuit than turning life into play?
Than turning every moment into something meaningful?
Let’s consider the alternative.
When you’re not pushing into the unknown – you’re stuck in a painful cycle of ending up at the same place.
When your daily actions and projects aren’t on the border between chaos and order – you can’t escape the known.
Not only is it completely discouraging, it’s outright painful.
You weren’t made to sit in a corner watching life go by without you.
No more were you meant to live life without any structure and end up at any chaotic and random place.
When you’re not in balance on every level – life loses its meaning.
It isn’t music anymore.
It becomes either a bunch of random noises or just the same monotonous tone.
To find meaning in life, to turn it into play – you need to live on the border between chaos and order.
You need to push into the unknown on every level of life.
You need to create a “multi-dimensional-flow-state”.
The 3 Levels Of Flow

Life can be broken down into 3 levels:
Micro – The actions you take on a daily basis
Meso – The different seasons of your life
Macro – The big picture of your life (what it’s all leading towards).
When you structure your life for flow on all of these levels – you turn it into play.
In other words, you create a meaningful life.
If we define this as the goal of life…
The ultimate goal of life is to create a “multi dimensional flow state” (or a “holistic flow state”).
A multidimensional flow state is created when you push into the unknown on all dimensions of life.
To create flow on the micro, meso and macro level – you need 3 things:
Let’s break these down.
1. Your Life’s Vision
You need a vision.
As much as I dislike overusing this quote – it still holds true:
“If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.”
– Seneca
A vision gives you clarity.
Without it, you’re just acting at random. Your daily actions and projects lose meaning.
Without a clear plan, all your thoughts on good news and bad news, advantages and disadvantages are just pointless speculation.
You have no filter for your experiences.
To create a holistic flow state, you need a big vision to align your life with.
Something that all smaller goals can fall under (this will eventually grow into your “purpose”).
It doesn’t really matter what your vision is — just that it’s a vision.
It will change over time, because we don’t really know what we want (and we never will).
But you have to chase a goal to realize if it was something you wanted or not. Only then can you adjust course.
Your vision is what sets the conditions for your lower flow states.
Your vision is what gives meaning to your daily actions.
Let’s break down the steps to creating a vision.
Create an image of your ideal self:
How do you want to feel?
How do you want to look?
How do you want your mind to work?
What do you want your relationships with other people to be like?
How much money do you want to make and what do you want to do for a living?
These are fundamental questions that more or less cover all 4 bases of life:
You can get as specific or general as you want with these.
But there’s 1 thing you need to do… Write them down.
You need to keep your vision top of mind so you’ll notice opportunities and the progress you’re making.
Otherwise you’ll be in a state of pure anxiety or boredom no matter how much you optimize your lower flow states.
When you internalize your vision – your mind will work to make it come true.
This is how you frame your life and lower level flow states.
It’s how you make your life make sense.
Your vision is your macro flow state.
This means that it needs to follow the rules for flow – it needs to push into the unknown.
Your vision needs to feel uncomfortably ambitious.
You should have a small level of doubt whether you’ll be able to achieve it or not (but still feel excited when you think about getting there).
If your vision is too small – you’ll drop it at the first sign of trouble.
It’s the people who set a goal to drink a bit less coffee (it won’t inspire you to act because it doesn’t have any depth).
(I am very guilty of this as well).
If your vision is too big – you won’t believe it, and you won’t put any effort into it.
It’s the people who say they’re gonna start a multi-million dollar business in 1 year (it won’t inspire you to act because you don’t believe it’s possible).
But when you get your vision just right. When you push your ideal to the edge of the unknown – things will start to click.
This is where good dopamine comes into the picture.
This is where life starts turning into play.
To create a macro flow state – create a vision.
To make life meaningful…
Set reasonably unreasonable goals.
2. Turning Obstacles Into Projects
Projects are what bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
Projects divide your life into seasons and give you clarity for daily actions.
You can’t go directly from a big picture vision to everyday habits. You need something to bridge the gap.
The reason for this is simple:
You don’t know what you want
You can’t know what you want. You can only get closer or further away.
If you create one big project for your entire life – you will never be able to adjust course.
You’ll inevitably end up in a miserable life you forced yourself into.
You won’t be the same person in 6 months. And you won’t have the same interests, goals or ambitions in 6 months.
You’re always growing (or at least you should be).
Your daily actions and goals have to grow with you – or you’ll lose the meaning and joy in life.
Not course correcting with different projects is why life feels like a chore.
Not being able to follow your curiosity and pursue your flow avenue is why life loses its meaning.
This is why you need projects.
Projects give you clarity for each season of your life.
When you’ve fulfilled your purpose for a certain period of your life — you create a new project and “chase your next purpose”.
Projects are your “meso flow state".
When your goals are self generated, life stops being a chore – it becomes a game.
The obstacles in your way become stepping stones that you’ll gladly take on the way to your goals.
Following the rules of flow – your projects need to push into the unknown.
Let’s break down the steps to creating projects for your life.
The 3 steps of reverse engineering your ideal self:
Break down your ideal
Brainstorm solutions
Take apart the ideals you wrote down in the previous section and brainstorm ways to get there (yes, I’m expecting you to put some effort into your life).
Let’s say you wrote down “have more energy” when you answered the question “how do you want to feel?”.
1) Break it down into categories.
First you break down the vague goal of having more energy into its components.
Energy can be divided into 3 categories:
2) Brainstorm solutions
Second, you brainstorm solutions for each category.
Some solutions would be:
Eat high quality meat
Exercise in the morning
Eliminate caffeine past 10 am
3) Prioritize
Lastly, you prioritize one project you want to start with.
Get more high quality meat in your diet
Then you repeat this process for all your ideals.
It doesn’t need to be super specific – but it needs to give you clarity on execution.
Projects bridge the gap between your vision and daily actions.
Projects is your meso flow state.
When you create a project for every part of your life – you create a holistic flow state for everything you do.
Every bit of progress gets noticed.
Every piece of information is useful.
Every moment of life becomes meaningful.
You can see how all of this is turning into a game.
3. The Legos Of Life
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle
Your habits are the legos of your life.
You can think of them as “life legos”.
In other words, the actions you take on a daily basis will shape the future of your reality.
You need to become aware where your daily habits are leading you.
Because if your daily actions don't align with your vision – you’ll end up at any random place.
What you do on a daily basis is the foundation of everything in life.
They’re legos you can use to build any magnificent structure you want. Or they’re pieces you can randomly scatter all over the place.
Your vision and projects are only there to frame your daily actions.
It’s in the day to day that the magic happens.
For every action you take, every decision you make, you place one “life lego” in the grand scheme of the universe.
The foundation for all this is the “micro flow state".
Once you’ve established a vision and chosen a project – you need to find the daily flow activities that will lead you there.
As with everything in life, the road to anywhere isn’t predetermined.
There are infinite ways to get from one place to another.
The perfect road for one person is the worst one for another.
One person will get fit by following the ancestral diet and love every second of it.
Another person will feel completely miserable but feel completely engaged when following an experimental diet.
If you want to turn life into flow – this is the most important part.
If you don’t enjoy your day to day – you won’t enjoy your life.
You need to find the activities that pull you into flow and piece them together to build your masterpiece.
Let’s break it down.
Choosing Your Legos
Life is a science experiment.
I know a lot of people who don’t like science.
But guess what – you’re a scientist whether you like it or not.
You’re the scientist of your life (and your job is to make it better).
Your job as a life scientist is to hypothesize, experiment and create theories for your life.
When you encounter a problem you:
Research solutions
Make a hypothesis
Create a theory based on the results
This is how you turn life into what it already is – a game.
To turn life into flow, you need to find the life legos (habits) that will build the vision and projects you’ve created (and that you actually enjoy doing).
You do this by acting as a life scientist:
Doing this on a daily basis is how you start to bridge the gap between work and play.
The more you repeat this cycle – the more you’ll start enjoying your day to day (which is the equivalent of enjoying your life).
Not only are you living in a flow state – but you’re developing the skills to match the challenges of life you’ve chosen (your purpose).
This is your daily flow – your micro flow state.
Your daily flow (micro flow-state) is made up of 3 parts:
When you push into the unknown on all 3, your day will turn into flow.
Every second will become meaningful.
When you get the balance between your habits, projects and vision just right – life turns into one big flow state.
Your daily habits are your legos, your vision and projects are the instructions.
Everything you learn, do and notice has a purpose.
Let’s break down the steps to this.
1) Research
Problems don’t exist – only situations.
A problem is created when you only have a piece of the situation.
To solve a problem (turn it into a situation) – you need information.
Where you are in life is a direct correlation to the information you’ve had access to.
Novel information is what allows breakthroughs:
One youtube video can change your entire outlook on life
One tweet can change the direction of your career
One good book can change your life
The edge of a breakthrough is flow.
When good dopamine and feelings of well being are rushing through your mind…
You’re right on the edge of a breakthrough.
This is what curiosity is.
Curiosity is what happens when what you’re learning is challenging and slightly in the unknown.
Curiosity is the flow of learning.
When you’re pursuing your curiosity you’re right on the edge between the known and the unknown – you’re in flow:
You can read a book you’re genuinely curious about for hours without discipline.
You can consume a series of 2 hour lectures in one day if you genuinely love the material.
The 1st key to your micro flow state is following your curiosity.
The first step in solving any problem is always research.
If you have all the information — what you’re lacking is execution (and that’s not a problem).
To find the habits that will turn your day into flow – you need daily research.
Step 1: Take out 30 minutes of your day to listen to lectures, audio-books, podcasts that you’re genuinely interested in.
Let’s use our previous example:
Vision: Have more energy
Project: Get more high quality meat in your diet
Research lego: Research different diets and foods that spark dopamine in your brain
2) Experiment
“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” - Leonardo Da Vinci
Every second that you’re not researching, you should be experimenting.
Experiment with new diets
Experiments with different productivity routines
Experiment with different ways to act in relationships
The purpose of learning is to act.
Once you’ve followed your curiosity by researching, it’s time to apply the information.
This sounds terribly easy, but it’s one of the most difficult endeavors you can take on. The trap of empty learning is dangerous and really easy to fall into.
When you learn, learn and learn – the information goes in one ear, out the next.
The way to cement knowledge in your head is to act.
It’s the same with working out and putting on muscle.
If you just eat, eat and eat – the food will go in your mouth and appear as a ballistic shield around your waist. When you workout however, you use the food to build muscle.
In the same way, to not get “mentally overweight” – you need to balance information consumption with action to build the knowledge in your head.
The majority of your day is spent in action.
Choosing the right flow activities is crucial for finding joy in your life again.
This is so crucial I want to repeat it:
If you don’t enjoy the activities you do on a daily basis, you won’t enjoy your life.
Life doesn’t exist in some imaginary future or predicament of the past – life is now and now only.
Choosing your daily flow activities are probably the most important thing you can do.
Your vision and projects have the purpose of framing the activities you do on a daily basis.
They create the conditions for flow, but they’re not flow in it of themselves.
Your job is to find the flow activities (life legos) that will move you closer to your goals and are down your flow avenue.
Let’s use our previous example for how to implement experimentation.
Vision: Have more energy
Project: Get high quality meat in your diet
Research legos: Research curiosity sparking diets
Experiment legos: Experiment with a diet you think has potential.
Action is the second part of your daily flow. It's really what everything builds upon.
Choosing flow activities that move you closer to your vision and projects (and that you enjoy) is how you make life meaningful and enjoyable.
We’re almost done structuring our lives for flow — there’s only 1 piece missing.
3) The Sweet Feedback Loop
If you want a meaningful life…
You need feedback from your daily activities.
You need to know if what you did was good, bad or neutral for your vision.
You need to create a criteria for success.
Feedback is the final piece of the puzzle that is flow.
It’s how you tie everything together.
It’s very straightforward, but extremely important.
A lot of people don’t like to define what would constitute success because it means they’ll feel pain if they don’t reach it.
But you’ll feel pain either way.
If you keep your goals vague, chaos will grow right under your nose and your life will come crumbling down when you least expect it.
This is why feedback is the last piece of the puzzle.
After every day, you need to reassess what you learned, what you did and what the results were.
Diaries have gotten a bad rep.
They can be more than simply brain dumping meaningless thoughts and desires on paper.
It’s how you draw conclusions from your past actions and make plans for your future ones.
Funny enough…
Writing a diary is how you close the circuit of your life’s purpose.
Get a diary (it doesn’t have to be a physical one with a heart shaped lock).
Just open a new notion or notes page and answer these questions:
“Did I move towards or away from your vision?”
“Was my experiment a better way of getting there?”
“What truths can I draw from this experience?”
“What will I do tomorrow?”
Answering these questions is how you close the circuit of your life’s purpose.
The Big Picture
“Don’t make a distinction between work and play. Regard everything that you are doing as play, and don’t imagine for one minute that you’ve got to be serious about it.” - Alan Watts
A vision to work towards
A project to focus on
A set of daily habits aligned with the bigger picture
You begin to see life for what it truly is…
A wonderfully complex game.
Everything you learn now has useful application
Everything you experience is now meaningful
Everything you do is now flow
This is how you turn life into one big flow state.
It’s how you re-discover the true nature of life – a beautiful & intricate game.
When you do this, life stops being a chore — it ceases to be something you ought to do.
Obstacles become stepping stones, mundane tasks become flow states of pure progress and your entire life starts to make sense.
Anxiety and boredom is your compass — flow is your destination.
When you completely structure your life for flow — you find the joy seemingly hidden but ever so present in life.
When life becomes play — your goals will pull you forward.
You’ll be fueled by meaning.
Discipline is nothing more than a tool to get started.
The goal is always here right now.
To enjoy the experience of life.
To live in flow.
“When experience is intrinsically rewarding, life is justified in the present, instead of being held hostage to a hypothetical future gain.” - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
That’s all for this one.
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